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Survey plans and documents

A legal survey and its associated plans and other documents exist for almost all land in Western Australia

Survey documents in this context include the following:

  • Deposited Plans (DP) all freehold plans/diagrams lodged since July 2000 and all old Crown Surveys
  • Freehold Plans (P) lodged before July 2000
  • Freehold Diagrams (D) lodged before July 2000
  • Scheme Plans (SP) strata plans, survey-strata plans, plans of community titles (building) schemes, plans of community titles (land) schemes
  • Field records
  • Survey Index Plans

Each of these survey documents are available from Landgate for you to discover many of the spatial and legal aspects of your property.

What is a survey?

A survey is a process carried out by a licensed surveyor and involves the measurement and placement of marks (often called pegs, but not all marks placed by surveyors are pegs) on points of the earth’s surface to show the position of existing and new land boundaries.

Why have land surveyed?

Parcels of land (also known as lots) are surveyed for many reasons, including:

  • To mark the accurate position of the legal boundary for an existing property.
  • To create new lot boundaries because of a subdivision.
  • To define an area within a parcel of land that may be burdened or benefited by a registered easement or other interest.

Home buyers would be interested to search the survey plan for their property to help identify if there are any issues with the property lines or any restrictions such as easements or a right of way affecting the property.

Order a survey plan

Survey plans are the official record of the legal boundaries of land and will usually indicate the dimensions and size of a lot. The three types of legal survey plans stated above are available from Landgate’s public register and copies can be purchased online.

Survey plans give you:

  • lot size
  • lot shape
  • dimensions of lots.

Scheme plans may give you:

  • building outline sketch
  • lot sizes (areas but not always dimensions and angles)
  • title reference details (volume and folio)
  • unit entitlement
  • notifications and encumbrances (lodged over lots and/or common property)

Plans of survey-strata and community titles (land) schemes give you:

  • parcel sketch
  • lot sizes (areas, dimensions and angles) and common property lots (if any)
  • title reference details (volume and folio)
  • unit entitlement
  • notifications and encumbrances (lodged over lots and/or common property)


To complete your order you’ll need:

  • street address or title number (volume and folio) or lot on plan number
  • debit or credit card
  • email address.

Ready to order?

Survey plans and documents
A legal survey and its associated plans and other documents exist for almost all land in Western Australia

Access a survey document

An extensive range of current and historical survey documents are available in a variety of formats. The majority are available to the general public, although some documents are accessible only to authorised users.

Crown plans (original plans and diagrams) include district, townsite and other miscellaneous plans and diagrams. Crown plans were used when Crown land was released for agricultural or townsite development, road creation and reservation for public purposes.

Since July 2000, all Crown survey plans and diagrams have been lodged as Crown deposited plans. Existing Crown survey plans and diagrams were given a unique deposited plan (DP) number in addition to their Crown survey plan number.

How to access

All Crown deposited plans are available to order by their unique DP number. Landgate account holders can obtain the copies of the plans via email through Land Enquiry Services. Images of the plans can also be viewed, and copies can be ordered over the counter.

Freehold plans and diagrams show lots created by a survey, the use of either the diagram or plan format was dependent on the number of lots created. Deposited plans now encompass all freehold plans and diagrams. There is no limit to the number of lots being shown on a deposited plan as it may comprise several sheets.

How to access

Digital versions of DPs are available to be viewed or ordered, over the counter at our Midland office. Landgate account holders may also order their copies via Land Enquiry Services, which will be provided by email.

Field records are the licensed surveyor’s notes from surveys of land. Field records show the relationship between the original survey, the new survey marks and improvements and features close to boundaries. Field records may include resurveys of lots, exploration surveys and some links to mining tenements.

How to access

Field records are only available to specific authorised users. They can be obtained through Land Enquiry Services. Field records can be delivered by email or viewed at the counter at our Midland office.

Scheme Plans (prefix SP) comprise strata plans, survey-strata plans, plans of community titles (building) schemes, plans of community titles (land) schemes. These plans identify the lots in the relevant strata, survey-strata or community titles schemes.

How to access

Survey or strata plans can be ordered online, over the counter at our Midland office, or via Land Enquiry Services. More information in relation to what is involved in a strata and survey-strata scheme can be obtained from our Guide to strata titles and Community Titles guides

Survey index plans provide an historical record of survey boundaries, field book numbers, Crown and freehold plan and diagram numbers and public and private road dedications.

How to access

Subscribers can view Survey Index plans either via the DataWA website or through Map Viewer Plus (Survey Index layer).

Frequently asked questions